The world health organization has raised "bar" of a safe dose drinking alcohol. Now, according to recently released recommendations from the WHO, the health, the man may, without prejudice to the health to drink up to 10 litres of pure alcohol per year. Women have the right to one-third less. Such generosity of WHO, the equivalent of about a bottle of vodka in the week. But our toxicologists more conservative, they maintain the conventional frame: a maximum of 8 litres of "pure" alcohol in the year and 3 to 4 days full of sobriety in the week. With a growing number of doctors insist on changing the traditional, prevailing since the soviet era, the principles of helping people with problems with alcohol.

"More than 8 litres of pure alcohol per person per year — it is the extinction of the nation, believes the chief executive officer of the psychotherapy at the National center of addiction research, professor. — We have now consumed with 15.1 litres. We are in a ranking. The Increase in the consumption of alcohol does not occur in a vacuum — it is the attempt to relieve the stress, to a certain extent, away from the reality, to solve certain psychological problems. In part it works: after drinking, closed the man is mancip, it improves mood, the problems are pushed to the second plan. But all the same it is a trap and the pseudosolution of problems. Person pays too high a price. Pays the pathology of the liver, heart, brain. And when arise the true symptoms of the disease, the man is usually located in the deep alcohol dependence".
The advice of a professional: how much can you drink with a minimum risk to health?
It is estimated that for men safe amount of alcohol is 14-28 doses per week, and for women 7-14 spreading. When this standard is conventional: in some people, for example, when the heredity adverse risk of health deterioration occurs during the consumption of very small amounts of alcohol.
How to drink properly?
Often they say: abroad, eat, drink, but for us, drink, eat. The principle should be the smaller, the better. And, of course, the drinks must be of high quality. Preference is given to dry — not fortified and dessert wines. Vodka, cognac, and other drinks, once in the stomach, can cause a state very close to the burn of the mucosa, so vysokostatusnye drinks better dilute. If diluted drink (maybe it's the wine and we stretch towards the evening, and then the total dose of pure alcohol will be a small and a hazard to health will be reduced to a minimum. As the oxidation of alcohol in the body requires a high intake of vitamins, it is advisable to take a multivitamin, but should include herbs, vegetables and fruits.
As much as it is useful for dry red wine?
Really convincing evidence for the use of the moderate consumption of alcohol, including dry wines, so far, are not received. But many experts believe that the fundamental value in the ability to relieve stress a a dose of pure alcohol, not the kind of drink. Therefore, it is best to drink less is better.
What dose of alcohol is considered safe?
On the recommendations of the WHO, men should consume no more than 40 g of pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). And women — 30 g of pure alcohol (with 1.5 bottles of beer or 80 g of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And it was on the condition that 2 days per week people will not accept a drop of alcohol.
When does addiction start?
Admit the addiction to alcohol dare to the unit. Most people consider themselves to be Malouda, and in fact, a person can drink a bottle of beer a day, but every day, and the other to drink rarely, but firmly. Who has problems with alcohol? The experts of the WHO distinguishes four forms of alcohol consumption.
- A safe form. This is when a person consumes no more than 210 ml (for men) or 135 ml (for women) of pure alcohol per week. On this day in the amount of alcohol should not exceed doses safe: 40ml (for men) and 30 ml of ethyl alcohol (for women).
- Dangerous form. It is when one exceeds the doses are safe and do not respect the way of sobriety.
- Doctors caution that such a relationship with alcohol, people are likely in the future to be addicted to alcohol and get as a "bonus" of one of the diseases related to excessive alcohol consumption (liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, anemia, heart failure, etc).
- The consumption of the harmful effects. This is when a person drinks it with greed (in continuous consumption of alcohol over 2 days), feels an irresistible desire to be sober.
- But the more a characteristic symptom of this form — the loss of control over the amount of drink. This is a person who has lost the sense of measure, but because more and more often, he gets drunk in the sole.
- The third form of alcohol consumption is not yet considered as an addiction, but it the brain and the internal organs of the person drinking enough to wear out.
- Alcoholism. This form of alcohol consumption is characterized by resistant to the reluctance of man to renounce alcohol, even in the name of failing health.
At this stage, the evolution and the form of drunkenness, for example, previously, people got drunk, was fun, and fell asleep, and now he had an aggressive form of behavior. When this dose of alcohol, drink a day, pushes several times.
How much alcohol can we drink at the person in the day?
Different people are to alcohol. Someone can not live a day, not they have tasted at least a glass of vodka. Some people drink several times a month and only on special occasions. There are characters who are completely indifferent to react on the alcohol. There is a safe dose of alcohol? Some doctors claim to their patients, that we can not consume more than one dose of alcohol during the week, others believe that the amount of alcohol exceeds one month to 60 ml of vodka and 150 ml of wine, a testament to alcoholism. Scientists have for the definition of the safety for the human body, the dose of alcohol, even deduce the mass of different formulas. But the majority of prescribers agree that each person has his or her own purely personal, the rate of alcohol consumed, which is directly dependent on its individual characteristics. The latter assumption can be called the most plausible, in fact, some people are capable of for the omelet of glasses of wine, and other “does not” and a bottle of vodka. Only consume alcohol, the weaker sex. The woman is very quickly resulted in the drunkenness, and even a small dose of spirits provoke in her a dependency. By drinking regularly, the lady is already at the end of 2 years, the risk of becoming an alcoholic. Men are more resistant to alcohol, and drinking too much, is not quick through the years 10 .
The doctors have been conducted many studies, from which they have arrived at the conclusion: the men of average size walking, to not sleeping well, you can eat up to 250 ml of wine, 500 ml of beer or 50 ml of vodka (or other beverage at 40 degrees in the day. Among women eligible to the serving of alcohol per day less: wine – no more than 150 ml of beer up to 330 ml vodka – 30 ml It is necessary to understand that it is not that of any of the societies of spirits and not immediately on all. The scientists believe that the parties are not able to have a negative impact on the health of man. If you drink alcohol above safe standards, and then beverages alcoholic will be gradually and regularly to turn you into a real alcoholic. Not only gender is taken into account during the calculation of the safety to human standards of alcohol. The climatic conditions also play an important role in the process of shrinkage in alcoholism. Saw that in the cold regions, people drink too much much more quickly than in the areas more comfortable temperature. Another factor that must be taken into account during the determination of tolerable intakes of alcohol, age is a drinker man. The younger the body, the faster it is drunk, and therefore susceptible to the negative influence of the ethyl alcohol. The young man, drunk sweet beer, will sehmale faster middle-aged men, drinking strong drink.
It is important to understand that alcohol, even in small quantities is contraindicated in pregnant or lactating women, children, teenagers, people who are taking medicines. According to the WHO, drinking throughout the year, approximately 8 liters of alcoholic beverages, a person cause irreparable harm to their health. At the same time, the national toxicologists point out that the average citizen can drink alcohol from 15 to 18 litres per year and it is already a sign of threat of alcoholism. Why in some countries, drink more tolerable? For most of our fellow-countrymen of the notion of "bingeing" and "vacation" are synonymous. No celebration does not happen without tables, Flex the seriousness of bottles of vodka, cognac, wines. Invite people in the house and not put in front of them a bottle with alcohol is considered as a sign of obscene. If in a traditional setting, the person is able to control the amount of alcohol consumed, during the feast, he deliberately enables more to relax and have fun.
No wonder that after the holidays, people are exacerbated all kinds of chronic diseases. In order to comply with the standard, the man is necessary to clearly define for himself, how it is possible to drink and not to exceed your limit of the day. Only in this way, you can adopt the culture of the drinking water. But not only do the holidays contribute to the development of alcoholism. Ill from a viral infection, some people prefer heal medicinal drugs of means and of strong drink. The alcohol really helps to destroy pathogenic microbes, but with them it slowly and surely destroys the whole body. And these people, who, during the treatment, combine the adoption of alcoholic drinks with drugs, even have a bad service: even the smallest parts of vodka, cognac or other drinks taken with pills or potions, ominous of a terrible blow on the liver, the pancreas and the cardiovascular system. In addition, the excess of the portion of the alcohol contribute to the development of have a drinking problem. In the presence of severe disease, alcohol poisoning occurs much more rapidly. Of the dangerous state indicates a very low body temperature (3 to 4 degrees below the norm), and breathing heavy. Usually, through the next 12 to 36 hours after ingestion of the huge amount of alcohol in the man stops the heart and die.
And how much can you drink in other countries? In the foreign countries safe dose of alcohol for men is regarded as a 30 ml ethanol per day (this number to about 300 ml of wine, 600 ml of beer or 40 ml of vodka). For zarubeznyh women of the standard admissible alcohol is exactly 2 times less than for the stronger sex. The doctors sure that if you drink alcoholic beverages in the doses, then they can contribute to the prevention of cardio-vascular diseases. In the mists of albus limitation of the dose of alcohol is 32 ml of pure ethanol for men and 24 ml for women. In another state, an adult male, not to be afraid to harm the health and sleeps well, in any conscience can afford to drink alcoholic beverages containing more than 20 ml of alcohol. For women, this rate is reduced to 10 ml per day. In countries with blacks in the eligible population to one serving of alcohol is considered to be 24 ml of pure ethanol per day for the male population.
There is an opinion that is recommended by the doctors of the alcohol dose in the day is not only safe, but is very useful, drink moderately, people live longer than non-drinkers. But the supporters of the hypothesis warn that the favor is capable of making the red wine, more alcohol no benefit to the organism will not be. Letting himself take a drink, they always know the rate and know how to stop in time. Happy people are not afraid of alcoholism. But those who do not know how to control themselves, the only way to avoid the dependence of the alcohol – do not listen to the stories of the doses of alcohol and do not drink at all.
The ministry of health warns: how much can you drink alcohol
The experts of the Ministry of health has calculated the rate of alcohol consumption for men and women, which can be used in the labelling of these products. The public research centre for preventive medicine of the Ministry of health has calculated course the rate of alcohol consumption, according to a newspaper article. In the standards defined by the amount of alcohol corresponding to low, medium and high harm to the health. According to the calculations of NYCPM, if the man is going to drink 1.5 litres of beer that was 4.5 degrees of three days per week, the risk will be low. Of the same dosage for five days, increases the risk to the average, and the daily use of such a quantity of drink frothy represents a high risk. Glass of vodka with a volume of 50 ml for men drinking a low risk to health two times per day, a woman, in respecting the level of security of better things to do, a. In the case of exceedance of these standards, the risk passes to the average. A woman on the recommendations NYCPM the day to drink a glass or two (every 100 ml) dry wine to the fortress of 13 degrees. Or a glass of champagne and a volume of 150 ml, these doses mean low risk, even if the drink throughout the week.
It is not possible to identify valid and invalid levels of alcohol consumption, to quote the newspaper, " the words of the director of the cultural Institute of the nation. "These recommendations, or the calculations of health risks can be made for each particular person, given her body weight, the condition of systems of organism, enzyme of the camera, which breaks down the alcohol, these points are discussed in the WHO documents", — said the expert. The head of the centre for the development of alcohol policy said that the people are quite difficult to control the consumption of alcohol in certain doses and at the right time to stop, in light of the recommendations. They do not stop the consequences. "If the person is well, which all of a sudden it stops, so it is worth talking about that you start to consume alcohol — it is a risk", — said the expert.